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RPG Solo Player


Game Master Emulator

An engine to emulate a Dungeon Master and answer questions asked by the player. If you want to know if something is true or false, ask the oracle...

Sparks Words

Cryptic words for when you don't quite know what to think of a situation or context... it's up to you to interpret their meanings.

Dice Roller

Roll virtual dice for your tabletop games, with customizable options for various types of RPG dices.

Notes and Scenes Box

Keep track of your game notes and create memorable scenes for your campaign in one convenient place.

Weather Generator

Determine weather conditions, including temperature, precipitation, and winds, corresponding to the current season with just a simple click.

Wilderness Travel

Generate features, points of interest, and more while venturing through the untamed wilderness. Select a terrain type and embark on your journey.

Dungeon Generator

Create dungeons along with their backstories. Populate them with rooms, corridors, and intriguing content as you delve deeper into their mysteries.

Settlement Generator

Generate unique settlements to breathe life into your game world, complete with intriguing encounters and events that unfold as you wander their streets.

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Discover the Free Demo Version

Explore our free demo version to unlock the incredible potential of our platform. While the demo version offers a limited experience, you can still dive into some of the unique features.

* The demo version provides access to a limited set of features.

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